Strict//EN" ""> Juniper Sky Juniper Sky: January 2007

Juniper Sky

"It don't get much better than this"

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Moon and Venus Tonight

The Moon and Venus put on a spectacular display while we were at the campfire. (Neptune and Mercury are in there somewhere too.) It was 24 degrees with no wind. Donner and Molly went exploring at sunset and came back with a rabbit.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Gary's Shot of Comet McNaught

This is Gary's shot of the comet. He shot it through the Nikon Prostaf 82mm scope with the Rebel XT. Beautiful! It is magnitude -2.0. Venus is -4.0, so it is bright! (Brighter than any star in the sky).

This was not an easy thing to do at 11 degrees which was the temperature at the time! Currently, it is 3 degrees.

My Shot of Comet McNaught

You have to look hard at this photo, but this is my shot of Comet McNaught with my Rebel XT. It was very visible naked-eye! Beautiful in the binoculars and we also looked at it with Nikon 82mm scope. If you didn't see it tonight, you may get a chance tomorrow right after sunset and very near where the sun set. After that it will be in the southern hemisphere.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Beautiful Weather

We had about an inch of snow on Friday night, but nothing like we thought we might get. Saturday night was calm, no snow. Love this weather for January!

Molly is now 6 months old.